Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Knitting Therapy

I learned to knit when I was a young girl. My mom taught me. I can still remember the first scarf I made, crooked and misshapen, but wonderful because I had learned to do something new. My stitches were so tight that my hands cramped when I tried to manipulate the needles.

I tried to make an argyle sweater vest one time. It was a complete disaster! The front was so tight that there was no give or stretch to it, and the back could never compensate for those problems. I did do a very nice basket weave scarf, however. It's still around the house somewhere.

Since these early failures, I've learned to knit on double-pointed and circular needles. I love to knit socks and hats, especially to give as gifts. My knitting has relaxed substantially, and I now find it relaxing to sit in the evening and knit. Much better than paying for a therapist, don't you think? In fact, it's so good that I am considering branching out into the sweater arena again. We'll see how it goes. I don't think argyle will be the first attempt, though.

Because I find this so enjoyable, I must confess that I have, in some measure, become a bit of a yarn hoarder. Whenever I am in Jo Ann's I stand in front of the yarn racks drinking in the colors and textures of the different offerings. If I have a few dollars in my purse, I invariably leave with at least two skeins. I love the way yarn looks in a basket or on a shelf. It's definitely eye candy for me.

In hopes of winning some yarn and a great tote to put it in, I've entered a contest at one sheepish girl. Check it out at http://onesheepishgirl.blogspot.com/2013/03/giveaway-fringe-supply-co-project-bag.html?showComment=1363143928401#c1658580024076327768.

I hate to disappoint you all, but I definitely am winning this one!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Head Spinning Ideas

It's after midnight and here I sit searching for knitting patterns on Ravelry. Crazy, right? I've been inspired to check out patterns that have a Medieval or Renaissance theme. Why? Funny you should ask. It's because I met the organizer of the Krebashia Kingdom Medieval Fantasy Faire that will be held in June in Chateaugay, NY.

I had been speaking to someone on Facebook about the Faire and the type of vendors that might be needed, and lo and behold she is currently sitting on grand jury duty with me. Small world, especially in the north country. We had a great conversation about artistry of all types. So...I am now up way too late on a work night dreaming of all the beautiful things that I could make that would definitely be lovely to fill up a table at the event.

Unfortunately, it's the same weekend as the Relay for Life walk that I'm already committed to. Dare I try to do both on the same weekend? We shall see how creativity leads.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Three more to go!

As December nears, I look forward to the end of this semester of studies at Empire State College. I am pursuing my Bachelors' Degree, and can't wait to be finished with classes. At the end of this semester, I will have only 3 more classes to go in order to earn my degree. Insert stress-induced giggle here.

In the meantime, I have chosen to pursue the creative side of my personality, and make use of some of the large material stash left to me by my mother. I will be in Champlain, NY, on December 1st and 2nd at Time After Time Reception for a craft fair. It's my first one! Please stop in and see me if you're in the area.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


We've been having internet problems for over a month. It's quite incredible how addicted my family had become to Facebook and other sites that we visit frequently. What did we do prior to DSL?

We've had our DSL connection since April 2010. On December 20th, it stopped working. Do you know how hard it is to get through to Verizon? To a real person that can help you resolve an issue?

I've lost track of how many times I've called customer support and tech support. The last answer I received was "We've investigated, and you're too far away. We're disallowing DSL". Well, since I haven't been too far away for the past eight months, this answer infuriated me. No one can give me a satisfactory explanation as to why it was working fine and now it's not. No one can explain why I haven't been too far away (and paying the monthly fee) for the past eight months, but suddenly I now am.

As of this evening, I still have no answer. I called the engineer I was directed to, and amazingly, within an hour, our connection was back.

Huh? Guess I'm not too far away tonight.

We'll see how long it lasts, but I'll enjoy every moment while it's working.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Nana. Love that name. Can't wait until the two new grandbabies can call me that.

My oldest daughter and my middle daughter both had sons within one day of each other. Montgomery and Malachai. So, now I had a wonderful dilemma - who to visit first?

The Grandmother Book: A Book About You for Your GrandchildA great problem to have, don't you think?

My decision? First born, first visited. Montgomery, then Malachai.

Had great fun with both, however, and am enjoying all of the new baby and family pictures on Facebook.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Happy Birthday, Moon (Moonbear)Today is my 56th birthday. It has been a great day. Church, VBS meeting with lunch provided, a visit to my daughter at her camp, a bouquet of black-eyed Susans, a great conversation with my granddaughter, thirty plus birthday wishes on Facebook and a homemade chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting. I am blessed. 

Happy Birthday, Moon (Moonbear)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Teddy Bear Quilt and Memories

I've been working on a baby quilt for my niece's little one. It's a quilt that my mom had started before she passed away last year. Memories of mom in her sewing room have made it hard to begin. This weekend must be the perfect time, though, since I've got the top almost pieced together. I've included pictures of the boy and girl teddy, with some of the details. There's more to do, but I feel good about the progress so far.

Quilts, Baby!: 20 Cuddly Designs to Piece, Patch & Embroider
Tadpole Quilts for Baby (Leisure Arts #3518)